Praise Center Church welcomes you to join us on Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 11:00 am and 4:00 pm where we will celebrate Lady Yolinda McCown during our Annual First Lady Day Celebration. Not only will we honor her labor of love at Praise Center, but we will celebrate Lady Yo’s birthday as well! Our morning guest speaker will be Evangelist na’Khia Washington of Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Our afternoon guest speaker will be Mother Myra Hackett of Manassas, Virginia. The theme for this momentous occasion is “Graceful Servant” from Romans 12:6-8.
1 Timothy 5:18 tells us that the “laborer is worthy of his reward” and there’s no doubt in our minds that Lady Yo is truly a laborer worthy of double honor. Not only does she love the Lord, but she loves the people of God, as well, as she serves in many capacities at Praise Center (Teacher, Worship Leader, Education Coordinator, just to name a few). Outside of Praise Center, she also finds time to be a wife, mother and daughter; serves as a mentor to young married women; and serves on the District, Jurisdictional and National levels of this great church with a spirit of excellence. Even at a young age, Lady Yo is the epitome of a Titus 2 Woman and is a great example of a holy woman to the ladies inside and outside of Praise Center Church. Lady Yo is truly a phenomenally phenomenal woman!
Join us as we celebrate this great woman of God and give Lady Yo her roses while she lives. For more information, please feel free to contact the church at 571.781.2722 or send an email.
If you cannot attend and still would like to show your love for Lady Yo, click the online giving button below and after you select/input your donation amount, then select “First Lady Day” to bless our First Lady.